Friday, March 30, 2012

Finally Meeting with a Surgeon

On March 26th, one day after coming back to Rome from our Eurotrip, I was finally able to meet with an Orthopedic Surgeon who spoke English. Sure his English was a bit broken (he was French/Italian), but he took his time with me and explained everything that he saw in the MRI. He explained it to me, and then wrote it all down so that I could explain to my mom what happened (no I did not tell her yet, more on that coming up). He said I had a "totally ruptured ACL, lesion to the medial ligament, and lesion to the back part of the medial meniscus" and that I would most likely need surgery when I returned to the states.

What next? 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The first 2 weeks after my Injury

If you've read the short "about me" section on the right, you know how this injury happened and where it happened...

(the right knee, night of injury)

When I was lying on the ground in immense pain, I knew the severity of this injury was nothing like I have experienced before and the timing could not have been much worse either. It was 10PM on a Thursday night, and the next day Michelle (my girlfriend), was supposed to be arriving at Fiumicino Airport to spend her spring break in Rome with her boy. I Facebooked her as soon as I got home from the game and here are a few messages I sent to her that night to show you what was going through my head(never mind the grammatical errors or cursing):