Tuesday, July 17, 2012

50 Days After ACL Surgery: First Resistance Workouts

Exactly 60 days, or 2 months after my ACL surgery, I am finally moving to weights and resistance. To this point, most of my exercises at Physical Therapy have been range-of-motion exercises and a lot of movement. Today, Gina though it would finally be ok to start lifting some weights, especially since I was able to get the full rotation on the bike (not with toes, but middle of the foot).

Join me after the jump to read about my first weight exercises.

Besides walking backwards on the treadmill and attaching a 2-LB weight to my ankle, I started two new workouts today. The first one was leg presses with 10 pounds on them. Gina had me do 4 sets of 10 reps each.

The second machine was the hamstring machine where I did 3 sets of 10 reps. 

I felt great for both and am looking forward to adding more and more weight each time.

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