Tuesday, July 31, 2012

67 Days After ACL Surgery: Better than last week, but still worried..

When we left off last week, I was saying how I can't walk or bend it...or something like that and there was a lot of pain and so on.

Well here we are, about 8 days later, and my knee is better...but its still got me very nervous.

I feel like it hasn't been the same since I slipped, with regards to the pain and "wobbly" feeling I am experiencing. Now, maybe this is all in my head and I just "think" that I was able to do more before, but there is definitely pain (mostly at the end of PT and if I walk for too long...without the brace).

But back to last week....

When I woke up Monday morning, I couldn't stand too well and had trouble lifting my leg. That vicodin I took the night before....yea, it worked for a solid 2 hours and then from about 1AM to 6AM I was struggling to get comfortable...the pain was horrible, it had me screaming into my pillow and had me saying the rosary for the first time...in a long time.

I decided not to stay in bed and elevate it all day so I forced myself up and drove to class. I had ice in a cooler and I just applied it to my knee for most of the day.

When I went to PT, Gina told me to get it checked out by my doctor because of the swelling...but as the session went on we agreed to at least hold off for 1 week and see where easy therapy takes me.

One week later, Im walking better, able to do the same exercises I was able to do before I fell, and the swelling has gone down a lot.

However, nothing worries me more at this point than this knee. Like I said, there is pain and stiffness and its starting to get to me. I was taking everything in stride and staying positive with my therapy, but now my mental strength has taken a hit and Im scared to see where it all goes from here.

Today I decided, with the help of my mom who sees that this is something that needs to be checked out by my doctor, that I am going to schedule an appointment with the doc before my previously scheduled August 20th date.

As of tonight, I have an appointment for Thursday morning but I am going to try and get it changed to Wednesday.

Im praying and hoping and wishing and banking on the doctor seeing my knee, telling me I just aggravated the knee a little, and that I can continue with my exercises and just fight the swelling with ice...

..because anything else then that....I don't even want to think about it.

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