Thursday, August 2, 2012

69 Days After ACL Surgery: Tomorrow I find out if I re-tore my "new" ACL graft...I think

PT today really sucked. I was able to do most of the usual but I was feeling pain in my kneecap like never before. I had trouble doing the step-downs and even the balancing board. The bike was not too bad so thats kind of encouraging...then again I was able to ride a bike without any problems before my ACL surgery.

Anyways, tomorrow is the big day (or at least it should be). I have a 10:30AM appointment scheduled with my doctor but I'm just going to get there around 9AM, write my name down on the check-in list and be like "listen guy, I got shit to do today, my knee hurts, just tell me doc, is it torn?". Yupp, then I have to figure out how I am going to answer his question about "what happened?".

"Oh nothing you know, I just got shitfaced with my buddies and woke up the next morning with a painful knee...".

No. I can't say that. My mom would kill me before he does...even though she might have an idea that thats how it went down.

But seriously, rarely do I curse on this blog, but I-am-fucking-scared-and-nervous about tomorrow. I do have a feeling though that he is going to make me get an MRI and then come back to his office again next week and that is just going to build up my worrisome state....or whatever.

The worst case scenario that I am hoping for tomorrow is that he does the Lachman (something like that) Test and says "Hey, your ACL is must be your meniscus again". I mean, thats not something to be too happy about but at this point I realize that repairing a meniscus (or shall i say, trimming a meniscus) will be a lot easier for me and him then this whole ACL procedure as well.

Damn, I kind of just want to keep typing to get my mind of tomorrow...but it inevitable. Right now, at this very moment, my ACL graft is either fucked or totally fine...but I wont know for sure for another ehhh 10 hours.


Praying for the best. Ciao happy world.

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