Thursday, August 30, 2012

13 Weeks After ACL Surgery: Electric Zoo, I beg you, please be good to me this weekend

The time has finally come. Electric Zoo Weekend is upon us. I have been waiting for this ever since I purchased my tickets last October. It is a 3 day festival at Randalls Island in NYC.

My last festival, which was Electric Daisy Carnival, I fell victim to a weak and ACL-less knee at one point of the 2nd day, my knee popped out when I jumped. That was the last time I was able to walk for the next month or so.

This weekend, I decided to go about my business a little differently. I will make sure not to wear that cheap knee guard again that I bought in Italy. Instead, I will make sure to wear the big, sturdy, noticeable serious brace that covers my whole leg. I will not jump. Or do anything crazy. I promise myself that. Even though I can function without it and probably get through the festival without it, I know the epicness of it is going to be hard to resist and I will most likely be hopping around or something like that.

So the brace is coming with me, at least just in case someone pushes into me or something crazy like that.

You never know, better to be safe than sorry.

After the jump, check out the preview for this weekends madness


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