Tuesday, August 21, 2012

83 Days After ACL Surgery: RedBulls and Dancing

What do the Redbulls have to do with my recovery? Well, not much really...but I did get to go see them beat the Portland Timber tonight with my cousin Gruby.

He's here for 10 days and I am trying my best to show him a good time, especially since its one of the few times I am with him when he can not worry about family responsibilities 24/7 and instead party with his younger brother from another mother.

This past weekend we did a lot of partying in NYC, Atlantic City, and Hoboken. Needless to say, after a few drinks, I can't hold myself back and I end up...dancing. And guess what, it was without my brace too. Obviously I was trying to be careful but when I look at it now and think about what I was doing in my not totally sober state of mind, I realize I was jumping and twisting and spinning and yet, my knee is still intact...except for the part where its stiff and sore the next day.

But there it is, my first time dancing since surgery. Only 83 days later.

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