Tuesday, August 7, 2012

70 Days After ACL Surgery: ACL graft is NOT torn

What a relief! Wow! Just...WOW, I would be really bummed if my ACL graft was torn...

...ok thats an understatement. I would have been very very very pissed and depressed and upset and angry at the world, but after seeing the doctor today and spending the last 2 or so weeks in fear and anxiety, I am so relieved right now to know that my knee is OK and that I can resume my regular therapy.

Bottom line is my ACL graft, which I feared could have been torn or stretched out, is in place. Its actually still tight and stiff, as is my whole knee, but thats better than having my knee flying all over the place.

Read after the jump to hear about what the doctor said and were we go from here.

To try and help you visualize this whole situation, I will do my best to make you feel like you're there with me:

So I walk into the room and take a seat on the chair. Doctor Schwartz comes in and asks me how everything is.

I tell him something along the lines of "Everything was great until the other weekend. Before the weekend, my knee was fine, PT was great, its just that I have been feeling sharp pains in the back and side of my knee when stretching. Also, the other weekend I slipped, kind of caught myself on my right leg and since then it has been swollen, painful, and not the same."

He then checked out my leg, pulled it different ways, twisted it around a little and said "You're ACL is fine and it doesn't feel lose. If anything it feels a little tight but everything is fine. You definitely did 'something' to the knee but that 'something has nothing to do with you ACL or meniscus. Maybe it was a sprain or a large chunk of scar tissue that you ripped, but the knee seems ok. Lets get you back into PT for the next 6 weeks."

(Huuuuuge relief)

So there we go, my knee is OK and I am to resume my regular PT. I am so happy right now and will do everything possible to avoid these kind of situations again.

Note to self and reader: Even if your not wearing the brace anymore weeks/months after surgery, wear it when going out to party/drink/getwhiteboywasted.

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