Wednesday, August 15, 2012

79 Days After ACL Surgery: Kicking and Swimming

Hello there!

Ever since getting the news that my ACL is fine and did not re-tear, I feel like I have been doing much better in therapy and on my own as well. I avoid wearing the brace everyday (except when I party) and one major thing I have gotten better at is swimming.

Up to this point, swimming has been difficult for me. One day about two weeks ago I remember being in the pool with my brother Kris and not being able to stay afloat by using my legs. He didn't really realize what I meant by this until he went under water to see me flapping my arms like a fish in the deep end and my lifeless right leg just hanging there not moving at all.

It wasn't only due to the pain that I was restricted, but I literally couldnt kick and swing my leg. Well the other day I noticed that I can kick much better. I have been doing exercises that revolve around me keeping my leg straight and kicking it up and down to fight the resistance of the water.

If your anywhere near my point of ACL recovery, these are some of the things you can try in the pool that I have been doing:
- with your back against the wall, hold onto the curb of the pool and put your legs up just close enough to the surface, but not out of the water...then, with your legs straight, kick up and down. I do this for about 5 minutes 3 times a swimming pool session and it really kicks my ass
- while holding a noodle, mattress, or floating ball, kick your legs behind you and try to kick as if you were swimming forward
- squats
- walking backwards and forwards in the pool for as long as you can
- and so on...basically, do anything to get your knee working in the pool.

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