Sunday, August 26, 2012

3 Months After ACL Surgery: Back to Basics

Notice the title change? No more "__ Days After ACL Surgery", instead now I think its fair to say I've reached the "months" stage of my recovery.

Yesterday was exactly 3 months since my operation. How are things? Well if you've been following me than you know its been a bumpy and slow recovery, but I believe that it can only get better from here.

I can walk without a brace. I can swim. I can juggle a soccer ball. I have pretty good ROM. I can sleep without my brace. I can shower like a normal human being. I can carry semi-heavy things. I can also go on roller coasters. I can walk for at least a mile and a I sit for at least an hour with my leg in the same position. Basically, I am back to basic functioning. For the most part.

Progressing with PT every week, almost every day actually.

Now to get strong enough for my return to music festivals (remember: 5 days before surgery my knee gave out at EDC)

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