Saturday, October 13, 2012

18 Weeks After ACL Surgery: Started jogging, slowly

You read that correctly...

...I jogged today!

Compared to what I have read on the internet and heard from other athletes with the same injury, I should have started jogging almost a few weeks ago but I guess everyone heals differently.

I stepped on the treadmill today afraid of what to expect and I kept a slow pace for 4 minutes. To call it running, or even jogging, is quite sad but it is what it is. I was trying to hop from one foot to the other so lets just say it was jogging :)

I felt in the front of my knee but the longer I went the more I got used to it. I got off the treadmill and everything was ok. Yet, after getting iced and standing up again to walk by knee was hurting. Nothing major but I felt pain unlike after other session. 

Less than a week left of PT, so I guess I'll be on my own after that. Gina has been great and I am excited to get check out next week and see how far I have come along since the first time I stepped into her office.

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