Tuesday, November 6, 2012

22 Weeks After ACL Surgery: My first mile...and a half!

Have not been this happy to run in a very long time. Actually, have not been able to run like this in a very long time. Today, I hit the streets of New Brunswick and completed 1.47 miles in a time of 15:42. This is by no means an excellent run but for the shape that my knee and I are in, this is a huge milestone.

I am pretty relieved that I was able to do it and proud of myself that I was able to push through the pain. The first 1/2 mile was the most difficult to be quite honest and it might be due to the fact that I was running on a small decline. Still, I pushed through it and made it all the way home without stopping.

Obviously, before the run I did some stretches and also squatted 40X to get the muscles a little loose. Heres proof of this awesome accomplishment:

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