Monday, November 26, 2012

6 Months After ACL Surgery: Different kind of Thanksgiving

Today is exactly 6 months since I had my ACL reconstructed and my meniscus trimmed.

It is also the weekend of Thanksgiving and unlike other years when I would be in Vermont hitting the slopes to start of the snowboarding season, this time around I am staying in NJ and staying far away from sports...

Still, I have plenty of things to be thankful for and in the spirit of things, I have decided to list a few of those.

Join me after the jump.
I am thankful for...

- having an awesome doctor who knew what he was doing and who made my knee function again
- my mom and stepdad for taking care of me when I was bedridden and unable to take care of myself
- my girlfriend Michelle for being there for me when I was unusually depressed, for coming to visit me when I couldn't get out of bed, for walking slowly with me on our dates or anywhere we were, for not being too embarrassed of being seen holding hands with a guy in a whole leg brace, for letting me vent my frustrations and listen to my whining, and for not getting sick of me and my injury-filled-habit..and for many other things that she's done for me :)
- my friends who visited me when I couldn't get out of bed, who drove me places such as the beach and slowed down for me so that I could keep up, and who sat down with my by the fire pit in PA or anywhere else with a beer in hand and listened to my life changing story of how much ACL injuries suck
- my therapist Gina who has pushed me to the limit and been by my side in therapy since day 1
- the ability to walk normally and be able to run
- my range of motion
- my awesome scar
- my good overall health

I definitely missed a few things and people so I apologize but whoever has been good to me, thank you.

Happy Turkey Day everyone!

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