Tuesday, December 25, 2012

7 Months After ACL Surgery: Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy Knees To All

Even when having surgery on May 25th, I still somehow overlooked that my 6 month "anniversary" would be on Christmas. By now, according to a rare few of other patients' personal stories I found on the internet, and legends such as Adrian Peterson, I should be returning to sports or at least be close to it. Well, I am not one of those rare cases and so I am not hitting the slopes or kicking soccer balls around.

You know? Maybe if I had a personal trainer or was getting paid to play, there would be a chance that I'd be back on the pitch now. But I am a 4th year college student whose real-life responsibilities at the moment outweigh my desire to be playing sports, as sad as that sounds. 

But as we speak, I still have no been able to return to any sports but I do feel better. I go to the gym as much as possible (which unfortunately means only about 2-3 times a week) and I almost always do leg workouts. From hamstring curls, to quad exercises, to hip workouts, and my favorite and most effective, yet sometimes most painful - leg presses. I push myself on the leg press machines the most and thats because I they work out almost every part of your leg (at least the parts that you most need to keep your knees stable).

My New Years Resolution - which I am sure you could guess - is to return to sports AND to focus more on my legs in the gym so that I can avoid these injuries in the future (did I ever mention I have a partially torn ACL in my left knee?). I am currently on winter break and am returning to school in late January so expect an update on my knee in the next month or so since I will find time to go see my doctor (haven't seen him since October). 

Merry Christmas to all! 

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