Sunday, September 9, 2012

14 Weeks After ACL Surgery: Skipping doctors visit, more PT

Due to my hectic schedule, its a little difficult to get into the city and go see my doctor. However, when speaking to him, he said that if its not getting worse and everything seems to be progressing than continue PT for now and see him in a month (October 3).

So, he faxed over a prescription to my therapist until October 18th and I have less than 2 months of PT left.

I've done more exercises at PT. I started working on my balance by standing on a foam sponge for 5 minutes while throwing a medicine ball at an inclined trampoline. It gets kind of tiring and scary sometimes when my leg starts to shake, but I feel it working out my whole leg.

Also, something I am very excited and nervous about at the same time...I started doing quick steps on a 1 inch incline. It was a little weird at first because I haven't moved this quick in months. Hopefully, it gets easier as the days go by.

Finally, we've changed up the stretching portion of my visit too. I now lay on my stomach while Gina pushes my heel towards my ass. It gets painful sometimes, especially the first few stretches, but its helping a lot. After she stretches me like that, she helps me work out my hamstring. She pushes against my heel while I try to bring it up to my ass. We do about 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps (at a fast pace).

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