Sunday, May 27, 2012

1 Day After Surgery: Well, its fixed, right?

Today, I woke up at 6AM feeling a little woozy and tired. I wasn't in too much pain yet and managed to play Xbox for a few hours. I quickly got bored of that and was much happier when Michelle came over. I took both painkillers throughout the day and watched a few movies with my lady. I wasn't feeling as nauseous anymore but was still not able to stand on my leg. It also became painful to raise my leg, it was like a burning sensation inside my knee. We stayed up until 3AM and all day/night I was drugged up. Follow after the jump to see my leg:

During the day, my pain became more intense and I called my doctor who told me I could readjust my brace and take the first ace bandage off. In this picture, both bandages are still on. As you may notice, I am keeping it elevated on about 2 large pillows and a folded blanket that keeps them in place and makes it more comfortable for me. Below my thigh is a smaller pillow that helps me keep my whole leg rest while keeping it straight the whole time. It might actually look like it is in a bent position but this is the position the doctor locked the brace in and trust me, it is straight (I always check by pushing down with my knee to straighten it and I feel the back of my leg all the way down).

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