Monday, May 28, 2012

2 Days After ACL Surgery: Still limited movement, "some" weight applied

Well, because I started this whole blog today (the previous posts had the correct dates but I wrote everything today) I can finally write in the near-past/present. I woke up this morning at 6AM and took 2 vicodin. I was feeling pain from the get go and stayed awake for a little while until I fell asleep again during the day for a few hours. I began applying pressure on my leg today and started feeling my toes more and more. My leg is still numb but I'm starting to feel my quad.

Also, I took the top ace bandage off (I had 2 + white bandage) and it gave my leg more space in the brace. I also readjusted the brace a few times, mostly after applying the ice-machine to my leg. I tried bending my knee but it wont go yet, especially with the brace. I lasted most of the day without painkillers but around 1AM I took 2 vicodin. Hopefully, I wake up feeling even better and start having more motion in my leg.

As for food, I did not have much of an appetite today but I was feeling a bit hungry. I had some stuffed cabbage around 8PM and then a sandwich with paste and also a bowl of watermelons. My goal for tomorrow: take a shower and keep doing my exercises.

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