Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5 Days After ACL Surgery: More Progress

(UPDATE AT 1:30AM: This is wierd, I am lying in bed her and twisted my body to the left to lean on my elbow and use the computer with my right hand. When I kind of twisted, I tried keeping my leg mostly straight, and something popped/cracked in my knee. My knees tend to crack when I pivot on them or sometimes move them while rolling over - this is the first time its happened since surgery - since a long time actually.)

Well hello there once again.

Even though I went to sleep last night around 5AM (and took my vicodin then too, as scheduled), I still did not manage to sleep too late. I was already awake at 10AM trying to figure out how to spend another whole day in the house/bed.

This morning was different though than yesterday because I woke up with a heavy leg. By that I mean that I was feeling some pain and had to readjust the pillow that my leg was elevated on. Then we filled up the ice-machine and once I had that hooked up + some vicodin at 11AM, I was feeling better. Also enjoyed a solid breakfast (something I was not in the mood for since surgery) and hung out on the couch for a little as well as the deck.

Hows my leg since? Follow for more after the jump:

When I was standing on the deck I realized I could put more pressure on my leg. Thats a good sign. I also tried to bend my knee after unlocking the brace and there was some change there, but not too much. Basically, I think once the doctor takes off the ace bandage and gets the stitches out than I will be able to move it more.

For the rest of the day I am going to continue doing random "quad-tighteners" and try to lift it a few more times. The ice-machine will remain my best friend too.

If theres any major happenings before I fall asleep I'll be sure to update the blog. In honor of todays opening of the Stanley Cup Finals, I would just like to take the time to say "GO KINGS GO!"

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