Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hurt Again Right Before Surgery

The weekend before my scheduled ACL surgery, I had a setback. I attended Electric Daisy Carnival NYC on May 19th and May 20th. For those who don't know, this is one of the biggest Electric Dance Music festivals in the states and for the first time ever it was taking place in NYC (or actually NJ, at Giants Meadowlands Stadium). I had already purchased tickets in April and was keen on attending this event. However, things didn't quite go as planned, follow me after the jump:

Well, the whole festival was a huge success and I was happy that I went. Unfortunately, on the 2nd day, I jumped during one of the sets, and when I landed my knee just gave out. From there on out, I had a whole new situation in front of me. I came home that night and my knee swelled up like a pineapple. I thought the swelling would go down in a few days but the next day I couldn't even move my leg (bend, lift, nothing).

(one day after my "mis-step")
I had an appointment scheduled with my surgeon Thursday morning, to determine if the knee was too swollen for Friday surgery. If that was the case, than I probably wouldn't have it until mid-June/early-July which would be horrible because than I would have trouble taking summer classes or doing an internship. Luckily, as the week went by, I was able to start lifting my knee and slowly bending it, but not all the way. When I went in on Thursday, I told him that I was walking down the stairs and my knee just gave out (yes, I lied).

He checked out my knee and told me to straighten it, so I did. He told me to tighten my quad, so I did. He decided that it was best to go with the surgery because if we put it off again and I regained full motion in my knee, then the same thing could happen again.

Needless to say, I was relieved. I was now one day away from surgery and spent the rest of it laying in bed with my lady.

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