Thursday, May 31, 2012

Seeing the Doctor on Day 6: Questions?

Tomorrow, in a few hours, at 11AM, I will be going/arriving at my surgeons office in Queens. Seeing as this is my first of many visits to the doctor regarding my knee, I have compiled a list of questions I expect to have answers to by the end of the appointment. Follow me after the jump for Q's & A's:

(UPDATE at 6PM: I got some answers today from the doctor, so here they are - notice not all are answered)

Here we go, some are my own, others I found online:

1) How is my knee looking?
-Absolutely ugly, swollen, have a nice wound down my leg from the patella about 4inches long.
2) Can I completely take the ace bandage off?
-Yes, but I got a "sock" to put over my knee that I need to wear.
3) When can I take the brace off?
-When lying around, sometimes even when doing stretches (depends on whats most comfortable).
4) Any chance of an infection/blood clot?
5) How is my recovery looking compared to other patients (after 1 week)?

6) How long was the surgery?
7) Anything else that had to be fixed/did not look normal?
8) Whats my risk for re-injuring my operated knee?
-Don't jump or twist or fall over.
9) How much pain should I be feeling and where?
-"The whole knee will hurt".
10) Which exercises are the most important?
-Straightening the leg and lifting, also need to start bending it. Basically, they are all important!

11) When can I start PT?
12) How should I position my leg when sleeping?
13) When can I get off crutches?
-2 weeks from now minimum.
14) How long until I can walk/drive/jump?
-Walk in about 2-3 weeks, drive in about 6 weeks.
15) Can I stand on my toes to work out my calf?

16) When should I stop using painkillers?
-Up to me.
17) Can I get a refill for my painkillers?
18) How/when should I ice the knee?
-30 minutes on a a couple times a day - especially after working out.
19) Can I kneel on my knee?
20) Are there any supplements/vitamins/foods I should be consuming for quicker recovery?
-Dont waste your money!

21) What else can I do to prevent this injury from happening again?
-Suffer through the stretches and exercises in the beginning of recovery.
22) How often will I need to have check-ups?
-Next check-up is in 2 weeks on June 14th.

I came up with all (most) of these by myself actually, so expect and update tomorrow with answers.

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