Monday, May 28, 2012

3 Days After ACL Surgery: Stick to Painkillers

(UPDATE 1:10AM - I took 2 vicodin at 10:30PM and 1 oxycontin at 12:30AM + have been hooked up to the ice machine for about 3 hours now + sitting in an upright position in bed. The pain has gradually subsided and I am feeling much better)

Hello there, healthy or also injured person whose looking for advice or a familiar story regarding this dreaded ACL surgery.

Today, has been a mix of feelings and pains. I woke up around 6AM feeling drowsy and out of it but took 1 vicodin. I fell in and out of sleep but it was ultimately the last time I was in a deep sleep. I stayed in bed all morning, and finally got out around 3-4PM when my friend Ben was leaving (thanks for Fifa buddy, I'll practice against to CPU and kick your ass next time).

I tried to walk around (on crutches) and after a few laps around the living room I headed back to bed. I never realized how tiring this whole thing would be. No, not the crutches (trust me I've mastered those a long time ago) but the "trying" to exercise thing. Every time I get back in bed I feel like I was up for hours.  My knee aches, my back hurt, my head spins, and I try to get comfortable.

Later on we had some BBQ (Happy Memorial Day!), and I managed to get up and eat at the table. I kept my leg elevated on a leg rest next to the table and after that came my biggest accomplishment: a shower! Follow me after the jump:

I used saran-wrap over my whole leg (kept the brace on) and a ruberband at the top of the brace to prevent any water from squeezing through and down my leg. We placed a chair into the shower and I ended up sitting and washing my self. It was not very comfortable because my leg was hanging out of the shower door and I was trying to be careful not to get any water down my leg or on the bathroom floor. After the shower was over, I changed into some boxers and sat outside on the porch for a few minutes.

When I came back in, my mom had changed the bedsheets I've been sleeping on since surgery (thanks mom) and I lyed down. Here is where it got a little scary. I "un-clicked" my brace while it was on a folded blanket and when my mom moved the blanket to help me get comfortable, my knee sort of turned inside and I felt a sharp pain. It wasn't a huge movement but since then I've felt more pain than I have all day. I feel sharp pain on the sides of my knee and also in my groin (probably from elevating too much) and lower back (probably from laying down too much).

This probably also has a lot to do with the fact that I have not taken any painkillers since 6AM. I have been lying here in bed for the past hour or so in throbbing pain and finally hooked up the ice machine around my brace (will keep it on for a few hours) and took 2 vicodins. I plan on taking an oxy and midnight also to get me through the night. Basically, I know a lot of people say to get of the painkillers ASAP, but I tried today and its not working. No I am not concerned about getting addicted or overdosing (I have been taking them the first 2 days as prescribed: 1-2 doses of vicodin every 6 hours, 1 dose of oxycontin every 12 hours) so tomorrow I will make sure to continue the pattern all day and do more exercises too. My goal for tomorrow: bend the knee even more than today at least 10 times throughout the day, try to raise my leg, and do quad workouts regardless of the pain.

Hoping for a less painful Tuesday. Ciao!

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