Wednesday, May 30, 2012

4 Days After ACL Surgery: Progress, Progress, Progress...

Hello there reader!

It is currently 2:30AM and just like last night, I am still up after playing Fifa 12 for the past couple of hours (and most of the day really). Unlike yesterday, today was a much easier and comfortable day. I woke up around 10AM feeling woozy from the painkillers but I was pain free and very relieved about that. I kept the ice machine on all night and had my leg elevated on 1 pillow. When I woke up, it was also nice to notice that I had all feeling back in my leg - so, it took roughly about 3 days for that to happen (the anesthesiologist had said that only happened to 1 other patient he had ever done the nerve block on - maybe she meant she couldn't feel it all? Follow me after the jump for more:
Obviously, the "feeling" that I was getting back in my leg the first 3 days was that of pain, but it still felt numb especially in my foot and upper quad. Today though, my toes have fully recovered and for the most part I feel my upper leg too. 

I avoided yesterdays mistake and routinely took my painkillers. I popped a vicodin around 4PM (after Tom brought me tacos) and something was not right after that. I had a headache and started feeling nauseous. My guesses were the following: 

1) The taco did me dirty.
2) The meds got to me (doctor warned I would get nauseous).
3) Too much video games.

Now honestly, I think it could have been either one of those. But as a result of this funny feeling I started getting in my stomach and chest, I proceeded to turn on some internet radio (RMF ZIOM) and quietly play it as a drifted away into sleep. I ended up sleeping until about 8:30PM and when I woke up I went to hangout on the couch with my mom and Kazik until about 11PM. 

This is when I finally had something to eat (after the 1 taco). I ate a whole bowl of fruits (watermelon, cantaloupe, and green grapes). I also had some tea and before heading back to bed I did an exercise that I have not been able to do since the first day of surgery (numbness probably killed the pain that day). I had my leg straight out on a leg rest and I lifted it up, while keeping it straight, a total of 5 times! It was a bit painful, especially in the knee cap, but its deffinetly progress. 

Tomorrow I will aim for another 5 lifts and maybe even try to get to 10 throughout the whole day. I am also going to do about 50 "quad tighteners" before I fall asleep and tomorrow I will try to do as much as I can during the day (hopefully we get a high number. Also, if I am feeling up for it, I will try to bend my knee too. 

Well, that should about wrap it up. Another day of rest has passed by meaning I another day closer to walking, right? Gotta stay optimistic, motivated, and patient! 

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