Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Setting a Date for Surgery

One of the first things I did when I returned to the states was see an Orthopedic Surgeon I have been familiar with since I first broke my leg in the 3rd grade. I saw him on May 7th, and after doing a few tests on my knee and looking at the MRI, he told me that my ACL was not working at all and needed to be fixed if I wanted to continue a healthy lifestyle. He said that I could survive without one, but consequently, I would be dealing with severe arthritis at 40 years old and possibly more damage to the knee. He told me that my leg was not strong enough for surgery just yet, and he wanted me to do 4 weeks of physical therapy before. However, I was planning on taking summer classes at school and also doing an internship.

Was it possible to do the surgery earlier?

We came to the conclusion that surgery on May 25th was the earliest he could do it. This would give me 3 weeks of therapy and enough time to recover for summer classes in late June/early July.

I immediately began riding a bike when I got home and scheduled appointments for PT. Everything was looking bright, and I was happy with this whole schedule.

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