Tuesday, June 5, 2012

10 Days After ACL Surgery: Walking forward

Ever since I got out of bed this morning, I never looked back. As I was brushing my teeth I noticed that I was standing without any crutches and without any pain. I felt comfortable enough to put all weight on my leg and guess what? Nothing happened...and thats great!

Follow me after the jump to see how much I walked today.

First, I used the crutches to walk around the house. I did not rely only on the crutches though because I started mimicking real-walking-movements on my operated knee. I kept the brace locked straight and tried to walk around without crutches as much as possible.

I even left the house today and hangout at a friends house. He was kool enough to pick me up but I insisted I would "walk" home (about 4 blocks). With the help of my crutches, brace, and balls, I managed to get home relatively quickly and felt pretty good.

I did my usual exercises today as well but I did not bend my knee too much, which I hope to make up for tomorrow. Let me say this, it is painful trying to bend the knee and it almost feels disgusting inside my knee when I flex it.......just thinking about it makes me cringe.

Hoping for another positive step in this long recovery tomorrow.

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