Sunday, June 3, 2012

9 Days After ACL Surgery: Less painkillers, more movement

Over the last 2 days have slowly started to see more progress. The following 3 things have been affected:

1) painkillers
2) flexion
3) pressure on leg

Follow after the jump to hear about it.
Lets start off from least to most affected:

- I have started bending my knee up to about 110degrees (according to my brace which I hope I am reading correctly). I can sit at the kitchen table and I can put on my shoes and socks (not easy but I manage)

- I have finally started to put some pressure on it (using crutches) and even did laps around my backyard today. I try to bend the knee when I "walk" and imitate the proper movement of the leg when walking.

- Finally, the biggest difference when comparing the last 2 days to the whole first week after surgery is that I have stopped taking painkillers as much as I did. Also, I try to stick to Advil too. Yesterday morning I woke up in some discomfort and took a Vicodin but since then it has been strictly Advil...lets see how long this holds up.

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