Thursday, June 28, 2012

33 Days After ACL Surgery: 2nd day of PT and walking

As Gina said today : "Today is the first day of a long couple of months"...

And I'm glad to get it out of the way. Day by day is my motto and we will see where this takes me in this whole recovery thing. The only bad news of the day is when I asked the following question...

Q: "When will I be able to ride a bicycle outside?"

...and received the following answer...

A: "In about 6 months..."

Do I believe that? No. I will aim to do that much much much sooner...but just goes to show you what the usual protocal is and what she thinks of my leg so far (no muscle).

Follow me after the jump for the good news.

As for the good news, I did a whole bunch of new workouts and stretches and I even walked...without a brace!

First of all, I felt great yesterday after playing kan-jam because that was the most activity I have done in about 5 weeks (including the week in bed before surgery). Then today, I was on a stationary bike! I couldn't rotate my leg all the way so Gina made me do a 50/50 meaning push forward with my right leg, down, and as it comes up from behind, push back. So basically, I was doing half rotation back and forth for 10 minutes.

Then she made me sit on a stool with wheels and had me push myself forwards and backwards with my legs. Going backwards was not a problem, but going forwards I had to use both feet (heels). Then I did some squats on the (forgot the name of the machine) "thing that you lay on, put your legs at the bottom, and it rolls while you push"....

Finally, the last new thing I did was stand on a "balance deck" and rock from heels to toes and then from side to side. After all that I did a few exercises on the bed, she moved my kneecap around, said it wasn't too stiff which was good, and then she ended the session with electrodes and quad tighteners.

When I got home and was getting ready to hop in the shower, I took off the brace and attempted to walk around the living room...success. I am very careful though and going very slow, but still this is progress and I will be smart about it.

PT session 3 tomorrow. Lets hope for another great day!

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