Wednesday, June 6, 2012

11 Days After ACL Surgery: Standing tall

Overall, up until around 8PM today, my leg situation was pretty dire. I was feeling some pain especially in the morning and I avoided doing too much exercises (barely any). Once I finally took some Advil at 7:30PM, that changed everything.

Follow me after the jump to hear about how I was walking and flexing the knee.
I forgot to mention that all day I was walking without crutches, so that may be why it was sore all day too. But after that Advil, I moved on to stretching, lifting, and tightening of the quad. I did 400 "quad tighteners", 100 leg lifts (the last 20 with the brace unlocked), the usual foot rotations and "calf tighteners" and then I tried something new that I read online somewhere.

I laid down on my bed with my legs up the wall and my left foot supporting my right foot. With the help of gravity and the support of my left foot, I managed to slowly lower my right leg down the wall. Get this...I brought it down to about/almost/exactly 90 degrees. SUCCESS!

When I took a shower later on, I also avoided sitting in the chair and actually put weight on it without a brace and any crutches (I was holding on to the sink a little bit though). But there is definitely progress and I hope that by next Thursday (June 14) I will be cleared for therapy and driving.

Now, I ended the night with a 40 minute icing (yea, yea maybe a little too much) and will probably end the night with some Advil again. Why? Well, not to put a damper on my day, but I was icing the knee without the brace on and I tried scratching my invalid leg with my healthy one and it kind of popped. But that was probably/definitely just a bone cracking. I wont get worked up by it but it made my knee a little sore (that and the exercises obviously).

On to another day tomorrow.

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