Monday, June 25, 2012

30 Days After ACL Surgery: Not following doctors orders, mixed feelings about progress, just keep reading...

my heels against the wall, doing stretches, tan left leg, sick right leg
10 days ago I went to my 2nd doctors visit post surgery and I went in pretty confident knowing that I had been doing what he told me to do (exercises and applying pressure on my leg) and more (about 200-400 reps daily and actually walking without crutches).

By the end of the visit, we were both satisfied with my progress. He told me not to overdo it and to not get too comfortable on my leg (no walking without the brace, still use crutches here and there), but he felt I was ready to begin physical therapy.

10 days later, I have kept the brace on at all times, not used the crutches at all, and the biggest misque...I have not started physical therapy yet (I start tomorrow).

Follow me after the jump for my feelings and reasons for all this.

Yes, I am an idiot. Maybe the physical therapist will tell me otherwise tomorrow and reassure me that it doesn't make much of a difference if I started a week ago or today, but it will still make me rethink my actions or lack there of. I was cleared for physical therapy June 14th and here I am June 24th, which amounts to a lost 10 days of progress.

In those 10 days, I have walked a lot, avoided physical therapy because I was busy with other social things and errands, and stretched less than I did after my first visit. In those 10 days, I have been walking, driving, walking, walking some more, and driving. I really hope I haven't overdone or hurt something. In those 10 days, I wish I had gone to physical therapy.

I feel pain in my knee especially when I keep it bent for too long then I have a significant amount of pain when trying to straighten it, and I can't straighten it all the way without the help of my hands or my other leg pushing it straight.

Oh well, like the StepBrothers once said, "whats done is done, are you gonna invest or not?".

Here are some pictures if you want to see what a knee looks like almost a whole month after surgery....

the scar is healing up pretty nice

without a doubt, swelling is still holding up

still a big knee

battle scars

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