Tuesday, June 26, 2012

32 Days After ACL Surgery: First day of PT + Workout Plan

You're in for a real treat in this post, mostly if your trying to find a solid workout plan for the early stages of ACL recovery. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, I was going in for my first PT session yesterday. My physical therapists name is Gina (from here on out I will refer to my physical therapist as "Gina" instead of typing out "physical therapist" every time) and this kind little asian lady will lead me through recovery for the next few weeks. 

Follow me after the jump to hear about my first day at PT and for a whole workout plan that she wrote out for me to follow at home.

I got there about 5 minutes earlier than I should, and even with that 5 minute cushion, I still started about 20 minutes late because I had to fill out all the paperwork. After signing different forms and filling out boxes for "yes" or "no"answers, I was finally examined by Gina. She was surprised about how much I was able to bend my knee when I was sitting in a chair (95+ degrees) but when I laid down on the bed and slid my heel to my ass, I was only able to get 87 degrees flex. At that moment she reassured me that we have a lot of work to do...

She checked out my knee, said it was still swollen (no shit), a little weaker than it should be (atrophy hit me hard), but that it looked like it was healing nicely (the scars). Now to all the people that had their ACL surgeries today, tomorrow, yesterday, a week ago, last month, etc. I know from experience that the first thing you are Googling is a workout plan for your knee (I will even help my blog get some hits by writing something out such as: "knee workout routine for post cal surgery"....and here I am to help. 

So, your welcome.

Here is my workout routine I was given, by a certified physical therapist, at my first session of physical therapy for my newly reconstructed ACL:

1) ROM: Plantar / Dorsiflexion (Laying down)
With right leg relaxed, gently flex and extend ankle. Move through full range of motion. Avoid pain
Repeat 10 times per set.
Do 3 sets per session. 
Do 2-4 sessions per day.

2) Strengthening: Quadriceps Set (Laying down)
Tighten muscles on top of thighs by pushing knees down into surface. Hold 5 seconds.
Repeat 10 times per set. 
Do 3 sets per session. 
Do 2 sessions per day.

3) Strengthening: Hip Abduction: Isometric (Laying down)
With ball or folded pillow between knees, squeeze knees together. Hold 5 seconds
Repeat 10 times per set. 
Do 3 per session. 
Do 2 sessions per day.

4) Strengthening: Straight Leg Raise (Phase 1) (Laying Down)
Tighten muscles on front right thigh, then lift leg from surface, keeping knee locked.
Repeat 10 times per set. 
Do 3 sets per session. 
Do 2 sessions per day.

5) PROM: Knee Flexion 
With towel around left heel, gently pull knee up with towel until stretch is felt. Hold 10 seconds.
Repeat 10 times per set. 
Do 2 sets.

6) Heel Raise (Sitting in chair)
Raise heels, keeping toes on floor.
Repeat 10 times per set. 
Do 3 sets per session. 
Do 2 sessions per day.

7) Toe Raising (Sitting)
Rock back on heels. 
Repeat 10 times per set. 
Do 3 sets. 
Do 3 sessions per day.

8) Hamstring isometrics (Sitting)
Press right hell against floor. Hold 5 seconds. 
Repeat 10 times per set. 
Do 3 sets.

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