Thursday, June 7, 2012

12 Days After ACL Surgery: 90 degree flexion?

Walk, stretch, lift...repeat.

Same as every other day. Im getting sick of it and in desperate need to get out of the house. Thats why tomorrow I am going fishing with Tom and Jetter where I hope to bask in the sun and relax with mother nature.

Back to the main point of this knee. I continued doing todays exercises, banged out a few more reps and sets actually. By a few I mean I did like 200 leg lifts during the day, about 400 quad tighteners, etc. I also continued the "gravity" stretch where I lay against the wall and put my feet up. Today it was a lot easier to bend it to 90 degrees so there is progress.

Actually, it was so much easier that I chose "90 degree flexion" as the title for this post. Yea, its a pretty big deal. But I still can't bend it myself that much. I tried hamstring curls but its difficult. Also, I barely used the crutches today and even stood in the shower (no brace + weight = I hope not a bad idea). Don't worry though, I made sure not to pivot or put much pressure on it...the whole time.

Follow me after the jump to see some new pictures of my knee.

My knee is looking better, I think, but its still a bit swollen. Its even swollen behind my knee so I hope thats normal. These pictures are actually frames from a quick video I took on my FlipCam (regular camera batteries weren't working) and its a bit dark so I apologize...I take that back...just be happy you get to see pictures.

Looking prettier
A little swollen but much better

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