Friday, June 8, 2012

13 Days After ACL Surgery: Sore some more

Maybe 3 hours of sleep was not enough to help me recover from a hard day of exercises. I was sore all day, even after Advil, and tried using crutches as much as possible to keep the weight of my leg. I was not too successful with that.

Even though I was feeling pain all day, I managed to go through with my exercises and managed to bend my knee to about 80 degrees.

Follow me after the jump to find out I am attempting to get rid of the pain and what I plan on doing tomorrow.

Since I took a shower around 10:30PM, I have been laying in bed with a bunch of pillows and folded blankets elevating my leg. Im also hooked up to the ice machine and letting that work for long periods of time.

After this post, I am switching off the machine, locking the brace on, and attempting to fall asleep with my leg elevated on a pillow-made-skyscraper.

On another note, EURO 2012 starts tomorrow....POLSKA!

Prediction: 2 - 0 Poland over Greece

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