Thursday, June 14, 2012

19 Days After ACL Surgery: 2nd Doctor Visit Coming Up

Its been a few days since my last post, mostly because like I mentioned in that last one, not much has been happening. I have been doing my exercises and stretches as well as walking on it around the house, while also taking breaks on crutches.

The past two weeks I have stuck to my routine workout which mostly consisted of 100-200 leg lifts, 100 quad tighteners, regular knee bending here and there, and straightening my leg as much as possible.

Tomorrow I am going to the doctor for the 2nd time since surgery and the 1st time in 2 weeks....hoping to be cleared for driving and PT. Speaking of driving, I drove the other day. How? Well, I drive a Mazda 3 hatchback and always like sitting far back from the steering wheel. Fortunately, this routine made it easier to adjust sitting all the way back and being comfortable. I stepped into the car with my brace locked and unlocked it once I was ready to go. It was not difficult at all to drive and I had it in cruise control on the highway.

Still, it will be better to hear it from the doc tomorrow that its OK to drive.

Just like last time, I intend on having a set of question ready for him.

Follow me after the jump for my much shorter list of questions.

1) What can I NOT do?
2) What is my limit when it comes to walking?
3) Can I keep the brace unlocked when I walk?
4) How much longer until the swelling goes down?
5) When showering (for example) can I firmly stand on my leg and walk around the bathroom without the brace?

Thats about it...yes, I know, much shorter then the 20 something questions I had prepared the first time. Hoping for nothing but good news tomorrow!

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